Monday, August 31, 2009

Fun Times at the Doc

37 weeks have come and gone and Reese is still cooking. I am considered full term now, which I just can't believe. It's very comforting to know that if he were to be born anytime from here on, he would be fine.

I had another doctor's appointment today and things are about the same with my blood pressure. Today it was 143/94. Dr. Paul is not overly concerned, unless my urinalysis comes back to show protein in my urine. The lab will get those results back to him tomorrow. He kind of made it seem like he was not expecting to see anything abnormal. He said that while my BP is higher than it has been, it's not too abnormal for this late in pregnancy. Same goes for the pitting and edema of my lower legs. He does want to keep a close eye on me though, which means twice weekly visits from here on out, including an ultrasound at each visit. That's gonna make for some looooong days! Despite the BP, everything else looks great. Oh, and my Group B Strep test came back negative, so scratch one more thing off the list of things to worry about.

Cameron and I were very productive yesterday. We got most everything left to do in the nursery done...well, except hanging things on the wall. But, all of Reese's clothes are washed and put away and we got the stroller and carrier put together and in the car. We're on top of it! Now all we need is the baby to go in it.

Kinda weird to see this in the back seat.

37 weeks...Cameron is not allowed to get my face anymore because it's too puffy.



  1. you are too funny! the puffy face is just part of it...and it goes away in like a week...which rocks!!

    so excited for y'all!!

  2. Hang in there! Not long now~~~~Kathryn
