Another month has come and gone and my how you have grown! You are such a different baby than you were a month ago. You smile and coo all the time. You started smiling a few weeks ago, but you are doing it all the time now. You love smiling at everyone, but your favorites are Mommy and Daddy. You love to hear Mommy sing and it makes you smile every time! You've even giggled a few times. It was music to Mommy's ears! You have rolled over t
wice in one tummy time session (which you hate!) but haven't done it since. You love thrusting your legs and arms and can stand up on our lap. Holding your head up is old hat. You can track a toy side to side and up and down.
The most important milestone you have reached is "sleeping through the night"! You have been doing that for almost a week now and Mommy and Daddy have been loving the uninterrupted sleep. Granted, it's only about 5-6 hours by the time we actually get in the bed and get asleep! You go to bed for the night between 11 and 11:30 are usually up between 6:30 and 7. Sometimes you fuss in the night, but you love your paci and it helps you calm down and go back to sleep. Reese, you love your bouncy seat and are starting to become fascinated by the animals that hang over you, particularly the monkey! We love you so much and can't wait to see what each day brings. You are learning and changing so much every day and growing up so fast! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
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