You are seven months old now! I can't believe how much you've grown in the last month. I know I say that every month, but more and more it is true. You are a sitting champ! You are such a strong little boy and love sitting on the floor playing with your toys. You also really still love the jumperoo and your exersaucer. You could bounce all day! Reese you are so close to crawling, but Mommy still doesn't put you on your belly enough, so maybe if we practice more you'll get it soon enough. You laugh and smile all the time. You love to talk, but then again, you are your Mommy's child! You usually wake up about 20-30 mintues before I get you up and just lay there and babble to yourself. You very rarely cry these days. You still don't have any teeth, but I think you are close. That's really the only time you are fussy. We went through a rough patch with some pretty gross conges
tion. You had to be sucked out several times a day for a couple of weeks. After your shots at your last doctor's appointment you spiked a small fever, but it didn't get very high and didn't last long. But it made you feel pretty crummy. You only wanted to sleep if Mommy was holding you. But we made it through and you felt better in no time!
We started feeding you baby food this month and so far you like it! You've had peas, green beans, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, prunes, peaches, pears, bananas, and apples. You like some stuff better than others but seem to do well with all of it I mix it with cereal. You sure do make a mess! The other day you ate a container of bananas at breakfast, a container of peaches at lunch, and a container of prunes at supper...that was a lot of food for one day.
Here's what your day looks like this month:
Wake anywhere from 6 to 7, but Mommy gets you up after 6:45. Bottle around 7, play until 8:30 when you get breakfast. Nap anywhere from 9-11. You're getting better about napping well. But it's still different from day to day. You get your next bottle around 11. We play till about 12:30 when you get lunch. You usually nap anywhere from 1-3. Bottle around 3 and then play and sometimes catnap in the afternoon. You usually fall asleep in the car on the way home from G-Mommie's house. We give you your supper around 5:30. You get your bath between 6 and 6:30 on bath days. You love your bath now and have discovered the joy of splashing. We have some low-key playtime till your bedtime bottle around 7 and bedtime is no later than 7:30! But you usually fall asleep before then on days you don't catnap.
You are still in size 2-3 diapers but are quickly outgrowing those. Some of your 6 month clothes are too small but your pretty much on target with wearing 6-9 month clothes. I have no idea how much you weigh, but I would guess 18-19 lbs. You are so curious about everything and never sit still very long. Even when you are tired and fighting sleep, you are twisting all around and won't just sit still! You have amazing hand-eye coordination and rarely miss whatever you are reaching for. And without fail, whatever you get in your hands goes straight into your mouth! This month we dropped your dreamfed so you sleep from bedtime to waketime without getting up to eat. So far, you've done great with it! You also are not rolling over in your sleep yet, but do like sleeping on your side. Reese, you are such a happy baby and Mommy is constantly amazed with how well adjusted you are and how much you grow and learn everyday. We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
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