Oh, yesterday was so much better for Reese! My mom came over to the house and kept him while I was at work. He was a much happier baby than he was day before. Mom said he was more playful and smiley (he's still not laughing regularly, but he wants to sooooo badly!) and way less fussy. He went down easily for his naps and stayed asleep. I am trying to move him gradually from a three hour routine during the day to a four hour routine. We are currently at about 3.5 hours between feedings during the day. I think he might be going through a growth spurt because he is eating longer and wanting to get up earlier to eat (read: 6am instead of 7am). For the past few days we have been trying to move his bedtime earlier. When he was eating every three hours his "bedtime" wasn't until 9 or 9:30. Well, now he eats around 5:30, plays, has a bath if it's a bath day, and gets topped off around 7:15-7:30 and then goes to bed. We are still getting him up at 11 for his dreamfeed and putting him right back down. He then sleeps till 6 or 7. He's been doing well today, too, so hopefully he's adjusting.
So far, I have been able to pump at work roughly when Reese is getting his bottles, once mid-morning and once mid-afternoon. So he is still getting breast milk only for now. I have a little reserve in the freezer if I need it. But, so far so good on that front.
If there were a bad parent award for furbabies, Cameron and I would totally get it! Last night around 11:30 I looked at Cameron and said "Ella hasn't eaten today!" Well, turns out we never feed her the day before either...OOOPPPS!! Ella's never been much for food, but she was a hungry little puppy. Poor thing...please don't call animal control on us! We'll do better!
#FineChinaFriday is BACK!
4 years ago
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