Here's how my night went. Cameron and I fell asleep on the sofa watching the Bama/Texas game and I woke up around 11:30. We usually get Reese up by 11 to do his dreamfeed, so that means I didn't get in bed until about 12:15 since we got started so late. So, around 2am I heard this beeping noise. About 15 minutes later (just as I was falling back asleep) I heard it again. This went on for over an hour...I could NOT figure out where it was coming from. It sounded like it was coming from my nightstand. It was, however, coming from Cameron's cell phone. He got a text from a friend and his phone has a reminder beep that continues until the text is read. So, by the time I got really good and asleep, Reese started crying. I go up and put his paci in and just as I got good and asleep...he started crying again. Got up, put his paci in again and got good and asleep...he started wailing! It was 5:15. So, I decided to nurse him and put him back to bed. I crawled back in bed around 5:50. Our day starts at 7 so it was back up for me! I did take a nap while Reese slept this morning and I very well might do it again this afternoon!! I felt bad this morning because I was kind of mean to Cameron this morning. He was like "you're in a fabulous mood today"! Well, I was essentially up off and on from 2 until 6...I haven't had to do that for several weeks now! Oh's hard to be too frustrated when you are greeted with a smile. How can you be mad at this face!?
#FineChinaFriday is BACK!
4 years ago
he said "don't mess with my routine mama!"