Where has the time gone, my sweet baby?! I don't even know if I can call you a baby anymore because the only "baby"ish things about you these days are pacis, diapers, and your crib. You are growing so much and learning and absorbing so much everyday. It's hard to realize the baby days are gone.
You are so smart and pick up new things all the time. You are regularly saying about 15-20 words. These are all the words you can say, some more regularly than others: Mommy/Mama, Daddy/Dada, Papa, Emmie, Amber (your babysitter), truck, book, dog, cat, bobble (bottle), milk, juice, cheese, light, more, gone-gone, bye bye, hey, right back, up, off, cracker, cookie, night night, hot, duck, diaper, nap, teeth, eye, nose, and ear. Pretty much anything we ask you to say you do your best to repeat it. You are starting to say things that resemble please, thank you, and love you. You are such a sweet little boy and love to give sugars and hugs and squeezes. You can tell us what the cow, dog, cat, duck, and lion all say and point to some body parts if we ask you. You're still working on getting those everytime. You may point to your nose instead of eye, but I'm impressed with how often you do get it right!
Eating is getting better, but is still a challenge. You're eating breakfast around 8:30, lunch around 12:30, and supper around 6. You don't really care for meat too much. You will eat hot dog, fried chicken, and fish sticks. We did discover recently that you like ketchup so we might try that to sneak in a few more meats! You are a carb lover, too. You love macaroni and cheese, bread, corn, butter beans, and noodles. You absolutely love broccoli and are kinda getting to like squash and asparagus a little too. You get fruit at every meal and really like it. As of last week you are completely bottle free. You had been down to a morning bottle and a bedtime bottle for a long time. A few weeks ago we dropped the morning bottle and now you don't get one at all! You get a sippy cup full of milk in the mornings and before bed and then at least one more sippy cup full during the day. You also love fruit juice. And water, but only out of Mommy or Daddy's glass with a straw!
Right now you are taking two naps a day still. You wake up around 7:30am and go down for a nap around 9:45-10 and sleep for 1.5-2hrs. Then you are awake till about 2 and sleep till about 3:30-4. You don't always go right to sleep but are content to roll around your crib for a little while. You really like your bed and rarely like to be rocked at night. Most nights you reach for your bed after your story. The only time you get a paci is nap/bedtime or in the car when you're being fussy! You are still waking up in the night some, but Daddy usually comforts you and you go back to sleep. We are trying to get you to snuggle with your lion and blanket for comfort instead of us, but sometimes you want your Daddy (but unfortunately not Mommy right now...you're still very much in the Daddy's boy phase).
You are wearing some 12 month size pants and very few 12 month size shirts, but are mostly in 18 month clothes. Some of your shirts and pjs are 24 month. You also are still in size 4 diapers. As of your last doctor's visit, which was about 2 weeks ago, you weighed 24.7lbs and were 31.5ins tall. You are a skinny boy!!
Reese, we love you so much and cannot being to express the joy you bring into our lives. I only have one request...quit growing up so fast!!
Mommy and Daddy
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