Monday, January 17, 2011

Ice Ice, Baby...

I know I'm a little behind (surprise!) but we survived Ice Storm 2011. The entire middle GA area shut down last week on Monday and Tuesday due to the snow/ice that fell and accumulated on the roads. We're the South...we don't handle cold very well at all. However, that gave me an excuse to not go to work Monday and stay home and cuddle with my two favorite guys! While it was all very pretty, it was very cold and I was not sad to see most of it melt. There are, however, still some areas that have snow/ice hanging on! Here are some pics from our 5 minute adventure out in the yard.

What is this stuff?!

Chasing Ella
Playing with our next door neighbor, Garrett
Pretty frozen leaves on the loquat

Our house

Our very icy driveway!

The view up the street

The view down the street

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