You are 3/4 of a year old! It has been a busy month for you, Sweet Baby! Right after your 8 month birthday you started crawling everywhere! You've been scooting for a while now, but you went from crawling a little bit last month to full out crawling. In the span of two days you started crawling on your hands and knees, sitting up by yourself, pulling to standing on whatever you can, and sitting back down from standing. Your balance is getting so much better! Mommy doesn't think it'll be too long before you're running down the hall. You're already cruising on the furniture like a big boy. Mommy and Daddy don't get to sit still very long if you're on the floor. The dining room and foyer
Reese, you are still an eatin' machine and looooove mealtime. There are two times you crawl faster than I've ever seen you crawl...when you see Mommy or Daddy come home from work, or when you see your bottle. You also are loving your babyfood more and more. You are eating a little more babyfood than you were last month and don't really seem to tire of it. The only table food you've tried is a little watermelon (not a fan) and some peas (which you actually seemed to like). You still, however, do not have any teeth. Here's an example of what your day is like at 9 months:
Wake up anywhere from 6:15-7:00. If you get up early you just play in your bed until Mommy or Daddy gets you up between 6:45 and 7. Since it's summertime the early morning light tends to wake you up a little earlier. Bottle (6 oz) between 7-7:15. Play until breakfast time at 8:30 which is oatmeal and two kinds of fruits (you usually eat a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal and one total container of Stage 2 food). You go down for a nap between 9:15-9:45 and sleep anywhere from then until 11-11:15. Some days you have a long morning nap, other days you sleep 30 minutes. You get your next bottle (7 oz) around 11:15-11:30. Some days you don't eat all of this one. Then it's playtime till lunch at 12:30, which is the same amount of rice cereal as oatmeal and then you get veggies or fruit. Your next nap is around 1:30. That one goes anywhere from then till 3-3:30...again varying in length. Most days you get at least one good 1.5 hr nap. Then its another bottle (7 oz) and playtime till supper at 5:30 (same as lunch). On days you get a bath we usually do that around 6. Then it's light play with Mommy and Daddy until your bedtime bottle around 7. Sometimes you fall asleep during your bottle, other times you roll and crawl and cruise around your crib for upwards of an hour before you settle down and go to sleep. And we start over the next day! We usually get out and do something at some point during the day. If it's during your nap time you might fall asleep, but you rarely get cranky. If you're gonna be cranky, it's usually at night!!
You had your first visit to the lake this month for Ma-Ma's birthday. You wore your big boy life jacket and rode in the boat. At first you weren't too sure about the boat, but then you really liked it.
Reese, you are such a smart little baby and learn something new all the time. You continue to be such a blessing to us and we are amazed at how our love for you grows more and more everyday! We love you!
Mommy and Daddy
What a cutie!! Never again will his room, or your house be as neat and clean as you want it to be :)