One: I have successfully quit biting 6 of 10 nails. 3 on each hand. I think I'm doing pretty good with it. Sometimes when I scratch, like my leg for example, I actually do it hard enough to draw blood (gross, I know, but I'm not used to having any nails at all!). The prenatal vitamins are making them very strong, too. Gotta learn to have a gentle touch before that baby gets here, otherwise he might not like Mommy too much!
Two: My swelling has gotten annoying. My fingers are swollen to the point where I can only wear my wedding band. But hey, at least it beautiful! And I won't get dirty looks from the elderly for having a bare fourth finger on my left hand. The other swollen bit that is nose! I mean seriously, it is getting out of control.
Three: Here is a funny little interchange between a random patient and me...
Me: Okay, we're gonna get started. You let me know if you have any discomfort.
Random Patient (RP): Why do doctors say "discomfort" when they really mean excrutiating pain?" (Keep in mind RP has already had the shot and is numb) It's like when a male doctor tells you a Papsmear is gonna be a "little pinch." (True, but waaaay TMI!)
Me: Yeah, those are especially fun when you're pregnant. (Maybe TMI on my part, but I was just rollin' with it)
RP, ten minutes later: So, do you have little ones?
Me: I'm expecting my first one in about 8 weeks!
RP, looking down at my obviously rotund, pregnant stomach: Oh! I just thought you were chubby! (Please refer to the picture in the post two posts ago to refresh your memory as to what my "chubby" belly looks like)
This interchange was pretty funny to me. It amazes me that people will not hesitate to say whatever is on their mind.
Four: Is it a bad sign that I have a little bit of a mild panic attack every time I walk down the hall now and see the crib setup in the room? Actually seeing the crib together and in the nursery just makes it that much more real. As if Reese kicking me under my ribs 80 billion times a day isn't real enough! And it's not that I'm so much nervous about being a parent as excited. Okay, I'm lying...there is definitely a little (okay, maybe a lot) nervousness, too. I think I'm just anxious because I just have this gut feeling that he's gonna be early and I want to be ready. Not necessarily early as in pre-mature, but early because they miscalculated my due date. I guess we'll see soon enough. Any guesses as to when Reese will make his appearance? Post in the comments!
#FineChinaFriday is BACK!
4 years ago
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